Children's Books are a Big Part of Book Rack Used Books

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Watching a child pick up a book and start reading it -- that's one of the great joys we experience as a parent, older sibling, teacher, or guardian.

Reading is an active behavior. It's much better for brain development and critical thinking skills than sitting around, passively watching television. Books make children smarter, more aware of the feelings and beliefs of others, and more interesting as individuals.

One of the best ways to make friends is to know something, to have a passion and an expertise. If you don't have much information, you'll tend to be boring. But sharing good information that's fascinating or helpful -- this is a wonderfully effective way to delight others and gain new friends.

Bored individuals tend to seek others to entertain them. Book readers are self-sufficient and have a great way to entertain and enlighten themselves, often becoming a guide or inspiration for others.

Plus, books can sharpen and expand a child's imagination, and imagination is where all the advances in science, art, and culture come from, so imagination is a very important mental power.

Book Rack Used Books is devoted to helping parents find good, wholesome, educational, and fun books for their kids.

In fact, we have a special Children's Room full of great literature for the youngest to the oldest child in your family.

Bringing your child to our Children's Room, to let them pick out a few books, can be an exciting, low cost adventure that you'll both enjoy.

Children are a big focus for our store. We recently held a Bookmark Art Contest and gave prizes for the winning entries. Bookmarks designed by students are being sold in our bookstore and have been very popular, because they're so cool.

In this section of the Book Rack Used Books website, you'll find informative articles and tips on issues related to literacy and parenting as they related to books.

Stop by the store and check out the wide variety of kid's books that are available at super low used book prices.

How Can I Get My Child to Want to Read Books?

One of the most fundamental ways to motivate a young person to read more is to find books related to topics, issues, and things that they're already interested in.

For example, if your boy or girl is really into dinosaurs, get them some age-appropriate books on the subject. You won't have to hope they'll read them. They'll probably grab them and dive right in.

Here are some more ways to inspire your kids to enjoy reading.

Today's Parenting provides some great ideas in "15 Creative Ways to Get Kids Reading (That Really Work)" Click on the title to go to the article and read the full article.

(1) Make a game of it.

Instead of feeling like reading is a chore, help your kids discover the joy of reading, by inventing a fun activity that involves books.

(2) Follow the authors your children like.

Often these authors will have a Facebook page or website. They share all kinds of techniques to make children excited about stories and books.

(3) Take a children's book along on trips.

To pass the time and reduce anxiety and boredom, pull out a beloved book and read it to or along with your child.

(4) Encourage comic book reading.

Introducing kids to comic books and conventions can inspire not only reading, but costuming and other creative arts. Back when I was a child, there was Classics Illustrated, a series of comic books with great illustrations, based on classic literature.

(5) Let your child discover books they like.

You may think some children's books are a bit too silly, but if they get your child interested in reading, that's a good thing.

(6) Let your child develop reading habits in their own time frame.

Don't try to push books on a child who's not ready for them yet. But read books to your older kids, in the presence of the younger ones. That way they'll notice that books are fun and some day they'll feel like joining in the fun.

(7) Let them see you reading books.

Instead of feeling obligated to always join in on your kid's games, spend time in their presence reading books you like. They'll notice the pleased expression on your face, how calm you appear, and how deeply you enter into the story or information you're consuming.

(8) Visit reading and book websites designed for children and young writers.

For example Story Bird is a good website for building a story "with your words and our art." When a child makes her or his own book, they begin to understand the dynamics of literary creation, taking them beyond passive reading into active imaginative composing.

(9) Participate in local book events.

Take your child to author signings and other events related to books.

(10) Replace candy with books.

Use books as a way to reward good behavior. Use books as a distraction from bad behavior.

(11) Shop for books together.

Take your child to a bookstore and browse both the adult and kid's sections together. Let your child see how you delight in books and how you select a book by looking at the back cover, reading a few paragraphs, flipping through it, pausing to inspect the photos, etc.

Show an interest in children's books. Say things like "Oh wow. I read this Dr. Doolittle book when I was your age. I had the entire collection." and "I bet you'll find this one to be really funny. It's a Dr. Seuss book. Have you ever read one?"

(12) Introduce your child to book blogs.

Let your kid see that there need not be a Books vs. Internet conflict. Help him or her to discover good blogs and websites that deal with authors, books, publishing, literary issues, biographies, and related topics. Consider helping your child start their own blog.

(13) Give books as gifts.

Presents don't have to be candy and toys all the time. Find books that are colorful, comical, full of fantastic information and photos, just plain silly and imaginative, and educational in a fun way.

(14) Visit the library with your child.

Libraries tend to have all kinds of fantastic books for kids, plus puppet shows, and other activities. The goal is to get your children to view the library as a fascinating place, with helpful librarians and fun things happening frequently, and tons of cool books to read.

(15) Don't be too pushy.

If we drive our children too hard, our efforts can backfire. Instead of instilling in them a love for books, we may accidentally cause them to hate or be indifferent to them.

LET'S GET STARTED! Let the fun begin!

Getting your kids to read is an important part of parenting.

By helping your child to acquire a joy of reading and collecting books is a gift that will be of huge benefit throughout your child's life. A child who loves books is a child who is more likely to succeed in life.

Books open us up to other worlds and the feelings and ideas of other people. Books help us to be more sensitive toward others, to understand them better, and to relate to people of other cultures and beliefs.

Book Rack Used Books is committed to helping you find the perfect books for your kids, at a low and affordable price. Come visit our store and see for yourself what a nice place this is!

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