How I Came to Own Book Rack Used Books

I Now Own the Book Store I Loved as a Child...

When I was 12 years old, I shopped at a local used bookstore called "The Book Rack". It is on the corners of Lake and Knoxville. It was owned by a nice lady named Pat Leary. She was the 2nd owner of The Book Rack.

I frequented The Book Rack every Saturday for several years. I loved The Book Rack! I decided that I was going to own it one day and expand the store into a huge enterprise. This was my dream as a child...and it has come true!

I began collecting paperbacks and filling my closet with them. Soon the books over took the closet, forcing my clothes out onto the floor of my bedroom. That's when my mother noticed and made me sell all of my books at the next garage sale! 

Remember, I was only around 13 by then so the actuality of owning The Book Rack or any bookstore at that point probably seemed rather moot.

Fast forward many, many years (over 30) and I bought The Book Rack! (SEE PHOTO of old store front ABOVE THIS PARAGRAPH)

Talk about a dream come true. I had still thought for many years of opening a used bookstore; I even have journals full of business plans for opening and running a used bookstore. I am now using them in my plans for expanding The Book Rack. 

I've renamed the store "Book Rack Used Books". As you can see from the pictures below, we have a new sign and a new logo for the store.

I'm having the time of my life with this store! I've given it quite the face-lift!

My goal is to provide affordable reading for everyone! Most books are priced between $2 and $4. I put a Free Book Cart out front and everyday it is filled with books that you can take for free. 

In October of 2017, I put up our first Little Free Library box down at the Carver Center and fill it every couple of weeks. We also fill other existing libraries around Peoria.

Hardin Soy Candles

I also own a soy candle company called Hardin Soy Candles. My candle company is well known in the area and we were featured on the cover of the Peoria Journal Star in 2016. My candles are now a big part of our bookstore's gift shop.

I have a website in progress (not entirely finished) where you can find information about my soy candles.

Hardin Soy Candles

Dyslexia Tutoring

On top of that, I am also a certified dyslexia tutor and I tutor around the bookstore hours. 

I love to promote literacy and dyslexia awareness. 

Dyslexia is the most prominent of childhood disabilities and afflictions but also the most underrepresented. 

Many people are unfamiliar with what dyslexia actually is, which I believe accounts for the under representation. It strikes 1 in 5 and is not discriminatory.

Come visit us!  We can't wait to meet you!

Stacy Hardin

Book Rack Used Books

Corners of Lake & Knoxville

4408 N. Knoxville
(by Monical’s Pizza)

Peoria, Illinois


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